eLab 2022
What is eLab?
eLab is short for Entrepreneurship Lab. We’ve designed a not so typical camp experience that will empower you to live on purpose.
What the program offers?
The program is a deep dive into our learning framework of:

Experience with us
We believe in experiential learning spaces by using LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodologies and other techniques, that are crafted to maximize our time together.
Engage with us
God says we are His masterpieces in Ephesians 2:10. Be part of a community that wants to cultivate and help you strive after your best version of what God is calling you to.
Explore with us
Let’s understand why you like doing what you do best, exploring the leader’s talents/abilities. We start this process by doing an assessment with the leader called TruMotivate that helps understand their motivations. Walking alongside their vocational coach, throughout eLab and after, we want to see the next generation lead with confidence and courage.
What do people need to know
about the program?
We will have Ted-Talk style sessions on our identity in Christ and exploring where God may be calling us to serve in His Kingdom work. We will have keynote speakers that will share their journeys of navigating different careers. Our time together will have times of learning with times of play, but also intentionally designed to reflect on our identity/purpose found while in community with one another and God.
Why eLab?
I’m sure you’ve heard this over and over again, we believe this to not be your typical summer camp experience—come and see why
- Entrepreneurship 101
- LEGO® Serious Play® methodologies
- TRUMotivate Assessment
- Vocational Exploration
- Theology of work

Start living your purpose today!
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